Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 1: The First Steps to a Better Me

  After waiting by the door for my package to arrive I finally received my 90 day workout plan!  It came in the mail yesterday and I am very excited to declare today as Day 1.  I read through the books and outlined a nutrition plan with the help of the books that came with the program.  It turns out there are minimum physical requirements for doing P90X. As a woman the requirements for how many of each excercise you have to do are significantly less than those for a man, lucky for me.  I am able to meet the minimum requirements so the plan is on! 
   I have weighed in, taken my measurements and uploaded a couple of "before" pictures.  Here are my measurements for Day 1:
                        Neck: 13"
                        Waist: 28"
                     Hip: 36"
                        Weight at Day 1: 127lbs
   This morning I woke up and started my day with 5 egg whites for breakfast, unfortunately it turns out I am not a fan of plain egg whites.  I have devised a plan that will work better for me though, with lots of vegetables to mix it up.  As a snack I mixed a protein shake with some peanut butter and blended it up with ice.  It was delicious!  So far, so good.  I have not gone through with the first work out yet, but I will a little later today.  After I have completed the work out for day 1 I will report back and let you all know how it went.  Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I wish my waist was 28". :-p I hope you enjoy your program. I know you'll kick butt at it. :-)

  2. Thnak you Bethany! At the rate you're going it may not be long before your waist is 28 inches!

  3. What kind of protien drink are you having? The ones I had when I had my TOGA surgery were NASS-T!!!! lol
